Friday, June 24, 2011

Magic panzanella

Summer food at it's most honest....that is what panzanella is for me.  I have just begun to discover the wonderfully simple but complex food that makes up Italian cuisine.  It is so much more then any alfredo sauce or overcooked pasta you might have experienced in any eatery.  I remember on a jet lagged night sometime last year in Marina di Massa eating at an outdoor cafe I had a panzanella so good I thought it could never be recreated.  Well, I was wrong because I did it today.  I didn't even make it completely the proper way (mostly because my bread was not technically old, so it was not very hard.)  One should cut up the bread and soak it in water for a bit and then squeeze the excess water out....well I skipped this step entirely as I knew the bread was not hard enough to withstand all the liquids I would introduce to it.  Regardless it turned out rather good, but I only wish I had tomatoes from Italy rather then California.  Buon appetito!

Dice up the tomatoes, sprinkle with salt and let drain for about 10 minutes

If you don't have old bread, cut yours up into thick slices and leave out uncovered for a day...this will get you the 'hard' bread you need

I used a mandolin to slice my red onions paper thin

To take away the bite of the onion soak in ice water with a bit of salt and a dash of vinegar

Mix the drained onion, celery, tomato, basil and parsley together

Add about 8 tablespoons of olive oil and 5 tablespoons of red wine vinegar

I ran my bread chunks through my food processor to give me some finer crumbles of bread 

Drizzle with a bit of olive oil before serving

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Eco cars

Chevy Volt

So I'm sure everyone had heard about or has discussed the new eco cars, (Prius followers.)  But I suppose I shouldn't say "Prius followers" as all these cars claim to use energy more efficiently then the Prius, (due to being plug-in hybrids, or electric, not just a hybrid engine.)  But right now when I do see one on the road I do take a second look because you don't see too many as they are quite pricey.  And not all the vehicles in this post are even available for purchase yet, so mainly I am talking about the Chevy Volt and Nissan Leaf.  I commend these companies for making these products available as we all know we have to find other solutions other then oil and eventually the prices will come down on these types of technologies. All images from

Chevy Volt plug

Chevy Volt interior, great strides in unique materials for this niche product

Chevy Volt center stack is all white and has haptic feedback when you engage the

Chevy Volt door insert deco....not for your average Honda Accord customer....another cool element

Nissan Leaf, in front of a very nice home

Nissan Leaf plug

Nissan Leaf interior....very light colors make the cabin feel spacious and bright

Fisker Karma....I don't think that is production body paint but if it is that is hot

Fisker Karma interior, for final production the customer will have their choice of numerous different interior color combos....that kind of choice in automotive is luxurious

Tesla roadster 2.5

Tesla Roadster 2.5 plug

Tesla Roadster 2.5 interior....very sports oriented, to me a totally different consumer then the Fisker Karma

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Cafe Habana + Nolita

I thought this would capture your attention

From my trip to NYC last month I wanted to shop in the Nolita/Soho area.  But who knew that eating there would be just as exciting.  My friend recommended this place to me but I didn't have the chance to go last year, but when again someone suggested to eat at Cafe Habana I thought I must be missing something.  And yes I was....this little eatery the size of a large studio apartment (I'm thinking studio apartment size for Cali standards) was super packed with customers practically eating off the same tables, but was super tasty.  Below is a rundown of what my colleague and I ate.  (As well I have just discovered there is a Cafe Habana in freakin Malibu...who knew?)

Inside of Cafe Habana

We had some kind of passion fruit iced tea to drink...good

We shared this amazing plate of grilled corn on the cob with cheese, butter, lime and chili powder....really good

Cuban sandwich with colleague said good, in fact I think this is one of their signature dishes

Shrimp tacos...good

Cross streets where to find Cafe Habana and the Nolita area is mainly along Elizabeth St.

So after filling our bellies at Cafe Habana we set out to burn our caloric intake with some shopping!  We didn't have any where in mind we just strolled around and checked out stores that caught our attention.  I didn't really buy much except for a bad ass wallet from Blue Bag.  And I didn't take too many pictures of shopping as I felt weird doing so and didn't want to upset anyone.  

This place was cool, the products reminded me of Spanish style...really colorful and unique.  The owner told us he changes products like every month so stuff is always fresh and once something sells out that's it.

I purchased the wallet that had orange gradation on it (not pictured) I thought you could also attach a chain and make it a fun summer purse

Was really a fan of the intricate cutouts done with a laser (I guess) not necessarily the skull pattern... but how does one wash clothing with laser cutouts?

I would say this little bird hit the jackpot

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Peter Clark...Hot Dog

I saw some of Peter Clark's collages in person while in NYC.  I have to say they are impressive.  One doesn't really think of collage as high art, but really the intricate detail and all the unique papers used really makes you stop and stare.  I love also how Mr.Clark seems to have a penchant for dogs and fashion....two of my favorite things!  I know he does a lot of commissions for people of their dogs.  Check out his work:

Looks like a Boston Terrior to me

Of course my favorite the Frenchie!

You can tell in this image how his collage is quite 3D

Also the size of his work is quite impressive too, these aren't just little bitty things