Saturday, July 9, 2011

Mini tart

I tried this mini tart recipe from Martha Stewart and I have to be honest....I did not like it.  My husband liked it, but I felt the crust overpowered the fruit filling.  (I also felt technique wise I should have rolled out the pie crust slightly thinner in order to have a flakier more delicate crust and also that could have helped the whole crust to fruit filling ratio.)  Anyways this is definitely a case of eating with your eyes as I thought they looked better then they tasted.  But this is what cooking/baking is all about....learning, right? not be afraid...this is what makes things taste good!

Mixing butter with flour for dough

Add sugar to diced pears and cook

Simmering pears

Mix in fresh raspberries after cooking pears

I used a biscuit cutter to cut out my dough

A heaping teaspoon of filling and egg washed edges....I wouldn't do the egg wash next time either as I felt it tasted too "eggy" or I would use egg whites instead of yolks and cream

Before baking, I sprinkled with turbinado sugar for texture

Like a bunch of homemade poptarts, but round and not square....hmmm

Finished product, cute but not extremely tasty

Friday, July 8, 2011

Ligne Roset Love

I just viewed the online catalog of furniture from Ligne Roset....absolutely awesome!  I am in love with their furniture as well as their new ad campaign.  The new design Ruche, by French designer Inga Sempe has both modern, clean lines juxtaposed with the soft duvet that combine to give the user the best of both worlds : aesthetics + comfort.  But it is great that the duvet can be removed for easy cleaning and designed to build in a side table that is one in the same with the couch, (as you can see in the above picture.)  Many of the furniture here has won the prestigous Red Dot Design Award.  

The signature piece, "Togo"

New design, Ruche

Love the black wall as an accent

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Throwback Thursday

Remember Thursday's are "Throwback Thursday's."  Here is your old reference that is still new.  From the Domino June/July 2008 issue an article profiling a modern (kid friendly) family home.

Love the large unadorned windows (and of course the Ligne Roset Togo couch)

Family photos and art intermingle....a great way to have family photos up but not seeming too cheesey

This design of a sandbox on wheels is genius

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Cous Cous me

Israeli cous cous, basically larger cous cous then what you are used to

This is one of my favorite quick dishes to prepare.  It fills you up, has a kicky flavor (due to the red pepper flakes) and also has quite a bit of spinach, so you don't feel so bad for all the carbs.  Great to serve with some kind of meat, or in our house a not-chicken patty.  I used vegetable stock but you could swap out chicken stock to give it a different flavor.

I usually buy Israeli cous cous from Trader Joe's as it is fairly inexpensive

This day I used red onion because that is what I had, but use shallot or green onion instead

One bag of spinach usually works, but feel free to add more if you want

Saute onions in olive oil, of course

Add spinach, looks like a lot, but it will cook down

Spinach cooked down, not add the red pepper flakes

Add cous cous and cook for about 5 minutes to brown it a bit

Add stock about 1.5 cups liquid bring to boil and then put a lid and simmer for 12 minutes

At the end add a bit of salt, golden raisins and pine nuts if you like

Tasty!  You could also use regular cous cous if you wanted, still just as good

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Small cars

Fiat 500

Driving around recently I have seen new small cars (new to the US at least) on the road and get such a kick out of it.  The Fiat 500 is so cute and it stands out on our roads as it is relatively small compared to most other vehicles.  I have even seen a Fiat dealership down the road from where I live and it just makes me smile.  I am a big fan of small.  As well, I am a big fan of offering options and choice even for small cars as not everyone who wants to drive a small car is a young person on a budget.  I think more and more consumers will be asking for near-luxury content in smaller packages.  In addition to the Fiat 500 here are some other cars that to me are small, new and notable. Images from Netcarshow

Fiat 500 has so many colors and combos, such a breathe of fresh air from standard silver paint and beige interiors from most manufacturers of small cars offered in North America

One of Fiat 500 interiors, something an most automakers would never offer because the white color steering wheel could get dirty!  OMG!  I guess no one ever washes cars....

Fiat 500 thumbnail sketches

Scion IQ (which is sold in Europe as the Toyota IQ)  I guess Americans would not buy a Toyota this small?  Silly.

Scion IQ plan view....the most dramatic view

Scion IQ interior, I like the seat

The new Kia Rio 5 door (the 3 door is better looking but North America will not be able to buy the 3 door...why I don't know.  I guess again manufacturers assume Americans don't want choice.  I am very partial to this car as it is one of my husbands' designs.  Nonetheless it is a great design regardless of who designed it.  (But I have to say it is a little devil...just like him.)

Kia Rio 5 door rear

Kia Rio 5 door interior....I like that it feels airy due to the light colors on the ip, seats and a pillars into the headliner

Kia Rio sketch image from

Smart fortwo and Smart fortwo convertible

Smart fortwo interior, this ip is wrapped with fabric....really fresh even now that the design is four years old

Smart sketch